Thursday 4 April 2013

Effects of the volcano eruption

The Eyjafjoll volcano,located in southern Iceland, erupted on the 14th of April 2010. From this eruption Eyjafjoll has effected Europe in many ways.First effect was the fact that it produced serious local flooding throughout Iceland. Second effect which made international news was the spreading of the volcano's ash plume across much of Europe. This lead to thousands of airline flights cancelations. By the same reason this caused general distress and wonderment thoughout the world. Another possible effect was the cooling effect to the globe by the sulfuric ash which was distributed into the stratosphere. This reflected enough sunlight to cool global ground temperature by 1 degree Fahrenheit. The final possible effect is that this volcanic eruption is a precursor to another larger eruption which will cause bigger climate effects. By these effects we can see that our globe climate will suffer for many years to come.

Simos Michael
Pantelakis Sioukas

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