Thursday 14 March 2013

material engineering

Engineering Materials

Mechanical engineers design and build machines which  make our life easier and more comfortable. Engineering materials describe the properties of matter to various areas of science and engineering. There are several ways to classify materials. For example, we can classify them by the  type of bonding  and structure between the atoms. We have 3 categories of bonds. We have ionic bonds,  covalent bonds, metallic bonds. They have different properties and characteristics between them. Metals include in a metallic bonds which are good conductors of electricity and heat because moving through this free electrons. At  covalent bond ,the more electrons are drawn into the space between the two atomic nuclei. The materials which included in this category are charactirized as  semiconductors because some electrons moving with low speed. Finally, we have the last main categorie,the iontic bond. The materials of this bond are characterized as insulators because they  dont have any electrons that move in the area. Electrons are consistently in the space and appear attractive and repulsive forces between atoms

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